November 18, 2008

Ketchup (not the tomato kind...)

Well lots has happened in the Allred home. Kristo is still working on his promotion at the bank. He hopes to be assistant manager by the end of November.

My maternity leave was about to end and I was set to go back to Marriott on November 17th. When I was pregnant, we planned on me working a little more than part time, about 30 hours. After having Noah and spending all my time with him over the past 9 weeks I couldn't imagine leaving him to go back to work. Luckily my father in law, Arnie, offered me a job doing some accounting for his company. His office is just right up the street and I can bring Noah with me to work! Hooray! So after four year of working for Marriott, I quit my job. I'm not going to miss the job itself, but I already miss the people I worked with. It was a very hard decision, but I know it's worth it to be here for my baby boy.

Noah and Kristo post bath-time. If you can't tell, his towel is a moster and is eating his head. Noah wasn't afraid, he eats monsters for breakfast.
Getting so big! Those monsters make Noah big and strong!
The Cabbage Patch company is replicating this photo to create a new Cabbage Patch Kid. Coming to a store near you!
Noah likes to sing along with Dad.
Skeleton Noah! His spooky belated Halloween costume, the only place Noah got to wear this was at Tres Hombres the day after Thanksgiving.

Being a skeleton is sweet.

Well we're looking forward to our first Thanksgiving as a family. We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and lots of love!


Mr said...

I'm so sad I didn't even get to say bye to you! But I am very happy for you! We need to make sure that we keep up our yearly Christmas tradition, I hope you can come to the thing they want to do with the girls here. If not we'll do lunch. Miss you!

Andee said...

I was very sad to hear that you weren't coming back, but glad to hear that you are able to be with Noah full time!

Don't forget about your Marriott family! I'd love to see you sometime!

P.S. Noah is getting so big and he still is as adorable as ever! Do you know where I can get the newest Cabbage Patch Doll? I'd love to add the NEWEST one to my collection!

Lizz said...

The little comments on your pictures are so cute! YEAH, he got to wear his onesie at least once! We'll definitely need to go Trick or Treating next year together! I will definitely miss seeing you at work and being able to talk to you all the time, but I'm happy that you got the opportunity to stay home!

Annalisa said...

So sad you won't be coming back, I was excited to talk babies. I'm glad everything worked out for you and your little one is adorable!