August 21, 2008


19 days to go and trust me, if I could get this baby out any earlier I would! My doctor doomed me to impatience. At our last appointment he said that the baby is fully developed and at this point just keeps packin on the pounds. So now dreading a 10 pound baby is added to my list of concerns... I'm just so ready to have him. I'm terrified, but I can't wait to have that tiny little boy in my arms. Mostly to reminisce about early pregnancy, I re-read the ending of my favorite pregnancy book.
Oddly enough, it's the book that's been the most helpful. It's called Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. I laughed and cried through the entire book. Nothing I've read since has been as informative and hilarious. So to honor the blessed Jenny McCarthy for giving me some humor on the subject of pregnancy, I've written the ending paragraphs from her book below... enjoy!
"Once they had our baby all cleaned up and ready for his closeup, my husband walked over to me and showed me my little boy wrapped like a burrito. I cried and cried. They unstrapped my hand so I could touch his little cheek and give him a peck. I couldn't believe my eyes, I said, "Look at him honey; he blinks." To see the baby blink and look at you makes it so much more real than kicks in your belly. Chills came over my body as I started to feel a new chamber in my heart growing. My husband's face glowed like he had seen the gates of heaven open, and we stared in awe at the most beautiful thing we had ever seen.
Life was good. Life was going to be great. I had plans for this boy. I would fill him with so much love that he'd be able to conquer the world. Watching my husband glow with love also took my breath away. I don't think he had enough room in his body to contain the amount of love he was feeling at that point. Our baby was alive and well, and we adored him."

August 16, 2008

Artist for hire?

I drew quite a bit through high school and then ran out of interesting things to draw. I'm thinking of maybe doing portraits as a side job, especially since I'll be at home a lot once the baby comes. So I'm putting a few of my drawings on here as a start, hoping that one of you might have a picture you'd like me to draw. I'm horrible at still life pics, but I'm pretty good at drawing something from a photograph. Well you can be the judge, my drawing are below. All were done from magazines or pictures... I guess if you can tell who the pictures are of, it will be a good way to judge the quality. Let me know what you think! :)

It's a baby shower!

I'm incredibly behind on posting anything because, well, I'm lazy... So, I'll recap a few things that went on in the past few weeks.
Kelly Garvey and Tiffany Brewster threw Annalisa and I a fantastic baby shower at Kelly's house. Everyone was so generous, I received a boppy nursing pillow, cute little baby outfits, tons of books, baby nail clippers, baby Einstein DVDs, a teddy bear, a baby bath kit, diapers and other things.
We played a hilarious memory game where the word corresponded with candy bars. Whoppers were 10 lb babies, pap smears were Butter Fingers, conception was a Scor bar. Oh, it was hilarious!
Lizz brought her baby, Asher, to the shower and he was a hit. He's such a good kid, I only hope my kid is as well behaved as Asher. He had a blast with the tissue paper and bags (his favorite bag was gold and sparkly). I had such a fun time!