HAPPY DAY! Noah is here! We went to the State Fair on September 9th and walked around for about four hours. At 2:30 AM the next morning I started having contractions. I didn't know they were contractions at the time... I thought I just got food poisoning from the pulled pork sandwich I had at the fair. I cursed the man who made that sandwich because I felt awful! Later the morning of the 10th (my due date) I realized that the cramping stomach aches were coming at regular intervals. I thought "Hey maybe these are contractions!" and immediately started timing. After hours of timing the now very painful contractions, my water broke at about 7:30 PM and we rushed to the hospital.
At four thirty in the morning of the 11th of September Noah Kristopher Allred was born, weighing 6 lbs 9 oz and measuring 21 inches long.
He's such an angel and we love him so much!